Many times when I sit and reflect on other time periods in
history I try to imagine how I would have lived in that time and place and how
much I would have loved to be one of the ‘game changers’. I don’t know about
you, but I would often imagine myself giving Martin Luther King’s speech, of
being Rosa Parks on that bus, of being one of the houses that smuggled refugees
during the holocaust. There is so much within me wanting to make a difference.
Wanting to see lives and society changed. And ultimately it’s not even about me
being recognised for it - it’s more like me knowing that my life wasn’t a
Let’s face it. We get between 0-100-and-something years on
this planet. I have no idea why some people die before they are born and other people
smoke and drink their whole life and live more than 90 years. It doesn’t match
up. But then I’m looking through the wrong lens. Life is not fair. It never has
been and it never will be. If life was fair it would also be predictable. And
as much safety there is in predictability, there is no anticipation or
excitement. I, for one, would rather live a life that was unsafe and
unpredictable rather than one that is the opposite. Why? I have a number of
reasons. But I wonder what type of life you would prefer?

Life was meant to be lived, not simply endured. For too long
now the church has been living a safe, ineffective existence because they’re afraid
of being tainted by the evil in the world. They’ve been separating themselves
for decades because they’re afraid of change happening to them. I no longer am
interested in such a representation of my friend Jesus. That’s not how he lived
and it’s not what he died for. Yes, the human race is fallen and depraved. I
get it. I see the news and hear the reports. But here’s the best part!! Jesus
didn’t die only to give us a ticket into Heaven – which is unfortunately the
message of Christianity that has been booming for as long as I can remember. He
came to give us life! His life! He died in our place and therefore everything
that was his is now ours if we choose to accept it.
Jesus was the biggest revolutionary of all time. He changed
the course of the world forever. He empowered women (if you read your Bible
properly you will see this), he healed the sick, he broke the rules that were
burdening the people, he offended the powerful (let’s use wisdom here…haha) and
he befriended the sinners. He showed us what his father is really like. God is
love. Jesus changed the world with a new perspective of love. And if you, like
me, have been adopted into this family of love, then it’s our responsibility to
keep on with our family’s mandate – Love God and Love Others. It’s simple but
not always easy. But the smallest act of love can have a ripple effect so much
greater than we could ever know. Will you say yes to Love?
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